6Ft6 Bucket List Challenge
Need ways to fight boredom in isolation? Join in the 6Ft6 Bucket List Challenge.
(and win wine while doing it)
We’re guessing self-quarantine wasn’t exactly on anyone’s bucket list coming into this year, but as live events are postponed, the footy is cancelled, schools are closing and cafes and restaurants move to takeaway only, experts are recommending that even those who show no sign of illness stay home during this global pandemic.
Many of us have already started social distancing. And yes, for some of us it already feels like we’ve been holed up in our homes for six months. The days are blending together, you’re missing chatting with your favourite barista while you grab your morning coffee, you haven’t quite figured out how to work out now your gym is closed indefinitely.
There are plenty of lists out there on how to stay sane during this time, but is just staying sane really our aim here? Bingeing old TV shows just isn’t going to cut it, either is reorganising the bathroom. How about we kick it up a notch, have a little fun and let our competitive spirits out while we can’t burn off our aggression at Tuesday night netball or Wednesday night Pub Quiz.
So if you are looking for things to do in quarantine…
Introducing the 6Ft6 Quarantine Bucket List.
If you want to join in, all you need to do is tag us @6ft6wine and hashtag #6ft6bucketlist
The first 25 people to complete all 10 items on their Quarantine Bucket List will get a free twin pack of their favourite 6Ft6 wine (on us!), we’re also offering prizes for most creative and best photos/videos.
Let’s get our isolation on.
#challenge1 Build a pillow fort
For survival purposes. But also, because they’re awesome. If you want to claim that surrounding yourself with doonas and pillows and all manner of soft, comforting things is not going to make you feel just a little better during this crazy time, that’s on you – but you only have to look to the Danish – some of the happiest people on earth, who, considering they live with 15 hours of darkness for a good portion of the year are pretty well versed in this “staying at home” biz.
The Danes rely heavily on the concept of hygge (pronounced “hoo-gah”), which roughly translates to “cosiness”, to get them through their cold dark winters – and what’s cosier than a pillow fort??
#challenge2 Have cocktails “at the beach”
If the queues at Dan Murphy’s are anything to go by, we should all be pretty well stocked with cocktail ingredients by now, and OK, you might need to get a little creative with your concept of “beach”, but evoking a little holiday spirit at home is a lot safer than joining the crowds of crazies at Bondi.
Throw on a caftan, blow up the paddling pool, exfoliate your toes in the kids’ sandpit or just find a nice beachy screensaver for your TV and kick back.
Bonus points for cocktail umbrellas.
#challenge3 Spa Day
Set the mood – light a few candles, get Enya pumping on Spotify, put some cucumbers in your water and get pampering.
Whether you go for the full body treatment or a simple face steam and mask is up to you, but with all the hand washing we’re participating in at the moment, a moisturising treatment for the old mitts wouldn’t go astray.
Robes are non-negotiable.
#challenge4 Go on a picnic (in your own backyard)
There’s something about eating outside that just provides that holiday vibe. Go all out – pack the picnic basket, spread out the rug and spend at least an hour disconnected from the news, social media and all the crappy things happening in the outside world, stocking up on some well needed Vitamin D while you’re at it.
#challenge5 Come up with your own handwashing song
When you sing, musical vibrations move through you, altering your physical and emotional landscape. There’s a part of our inner ear system that stirs up pleasure (especially at certain decibels), so singing out loud is imperative! Animal studies have shown that the song of a courting bird delivers a “hit” similar to that caused by addictive drugs!
There’s already a million and one diagrams and infographics out there on how long to wash your hands to stop those germy germs from spreading – but now is the time to come up with your own version and belt it out (no singing in your head allowed).
#challenge6 Work out (80s style)
Your outfit is king here – dig out those old leotards, knee socks, scrunchies and sweat bands and YouTube a bit of Jane Fonda or ONJ.
We all know endorphins are the best things for raising our spirits, but how much better are endorphins when coupled with a bit of terrible 80s outfit nostalgia?
#challenge7 Put on a fashion show
Many of us are already taking this extra time at home to do a good Marie Kondo-esque purge of our wardrobe and cupboards, but before you throw that Hawaiian shirt or old Halloween costume in the Vinnie’s bag – crank up some tunes and strut your stuff.
Hot tip: Fashion by David Bowie is the perfect accompaniment to an at home DIY catwalk.
#challenge8 Date Night
It’s extremely tempting to morph into some kind of permanent pyjama wearing swamp creature when you have zero contact with the outside world but getting snazzed up is an automatic mood booster.
Do your hair and makeup, get dressed up and do the dinner and movie at home.
Light some candles, pull out the good china and have a romantic meal before retiring to the “cinema” for some popcorn and the perfect date night movie.
#challenge9 Learn a dance
There are YouTube tutorials for everything these days – whether your vibe is a traditional waltz, a sexy samba, a down and dirty hip hop routine, the Thriller dance or Hugh Grant’s moves from Love Actually, get your heart racing, lower those cortisol levels and learn a marketable* skill while you’re at it.
*Marketable may be an exaggeration, but once the world returns to some semblance of normal, your wedding/21st dance floor moves will never be the same again.
#challenge10 Do a good deed
Probably the most important one of all – doing good for others means doing good for yourself.
Performing good deeds is one of the fastest ways to get some happiness into our own lives and at times like these, it’s important to remember that no matter our own struggles, there are probably others who are doing it worse.
Whether it’s sharing your TP stash with the neighbours, whipping up a meal for those who can’t, offering to mow someone’s lawn or just keeping in touch with someone who’s doing it tough – there are so many opportunities to be a good human right now, and when it comes down to it – that’s all the world really needs.
Stay safe friends.
And remember – be kind and drink good wine.
If you want to join in, all you need to do is tag us @6ft6wine and hashtag #6ft6bucketlist on Facebook and/or Instagram.
Complete it in 10 days or in 1, it’s up to you. The first 25 people to complete all 10 items on their Quarantine Bucket List will get a free twin pack of their favourite 6Ft6 wine (on us!), we’re also offering prizes for most creative and best photos/videos.
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