5 Simple Steps to Perfectly Pair Wine and Cheese
mmmm wine and cheese, need we say more?
Ever done one of those fancy “matched wine” degustations and had your mind exploded by how drinking exactly the right wine with exactly the right food can make both the wine and the food taste ten times better than they tasted on their own?
And ever wished you had the magic skills to recreate that miracle in your own home (and maybe impress some friends with your incredible wine pairing skills while you’re at it)?
Well – guess what. We’re here to tell you that you can. You may not have a fancy viticulture degree, or be a certified sommelier, but you have taste buds, and you clearly have excellent taste in vino… or you wouldn’t be here. So what’s stopping you?
OK, OK, maybe you have no idea where to start, maybe you’ve just had it drilled into you your whole life that you should eat big reds with steak and whites with fish and that’s the furthest you’ve ever gone. Maybe you know that you like to eat cheese and drink wine at the same time, but you’ve never given it much more thought than that.
Well – we’re here to help.
If it’s wine and cheese matching you’re after – here’s a hot tip. The number one, best (and most fun and delicious) way to find amazing wine and cheese pairings, is to drink a whole lotta wine and eat a whole lotta cheese. Yep, it’s hard work… but somebody’s gotta do it.
So for our guide to finding the best pairings and our top suggestions, read on.
Are you ready for your tastebuds to explode?
Introducing – the 6Ft6 Guide to Matching Wine & Cheese, in 5 simple steps:
- Invite your friends over for wine and cheese. They will come. Who doesn’t love wine and cheese? And if they don’t… are you sure you want to be friends with them?
- Ask each friend to bring along a wine they like and a cheese they like. Don’t worry about whether or not they go together, depending on how popular you are, you should have plenty of wines and cheese to mix and match.
- Provide everyone with water (to rinse out their glasses and palates), a great wine glass and a notepad and pen to keep track of their favourite pairings.
- Go full wine wanker. Taste the wines one by one, sniff them, swirl them, don’t be embarrassed, talk about what you can smell and what you can taste – what do you think each wine would pair well with?
- Everyone’s favourite step – taste the wine. Taste the cheese. Make a note of which cheese go with which wines (and which ones don’t!!). Discuss your findings. Listen to your friends’ recommendations – sometimes the best pairings are the most surprising ones.
Our *top secret* cheese and wine pairings
And to get you started… here’s some *Top Secret* notes from our latest wine and cheese tasting experience – you’re welcome.
Download our cheese and wine graphic here to pop on your fridge
What cheese to eat with our Sauvignon Blanc?
So crisp, so easy to drink with Blue Castella & a strawberry or with SMOKED CHEDDAR (King Island) is our pick with Sauvignon Blanc
Pinot Gris is perfectly matched with these cheeses…
Herbed Goats Cheese and green grapes FTW! Aldi giant wheel of brie OR Dauphinois. Because pinot gris it tastes like pear, it goes amazingly with anything rich and creamy.
The cheese to eat with Pinot Noir is…
6Ft6 pinot noir Goes well with a bit of sweetness! Choc & orange OR Smoked Cheddar and homemade quince paste.
Shiraz goes well with this cheese…
I like the 6Ft6 shiraz with the French Brie – but no-one seems to agree with me… but then I like chocolate and cheese together and this Shiraz tastes like chocolate and pepper.
We like it with the blue, but can’t eat all the blue cheese yet because we want to eat it with the chardy. Definitely the smoked cheddar or pickled onion Vintage Mersey Valley!
6Ft6 Chardonnay’s cheese match is…
DEFINITELY WITH THE BLUE – I can’t remember where the blue came from (Aldi?). That touch of acidity cuts through the creamy blue so beautifully. Smoked Cheddar. At this point I believe everything pairs amazingly with the French Brie… or maybe I’m just obsessed with the French Brie. DAUPHINOIS with Chardonnay is a winner.
6Ft6 Prosecco goes perfectly with…
Creamy Brie! CREAMY BRIE! DAUPHINOIS! Did we say prosecco and dauphinois?
So tell us what are your favourites?
Do your friends a favour and share the cheese and wine love via the social icons below.
Find out which wine you are!
To find out your wine match take our online quiz – your wine soul mate is out there.