6Ft6 Sauvignon Blanc 2024 750ml


“Sometimes I add ‘drink wine’ to my TO DO list just to feel like I’ve accomplished something”

This dry sauvignon blanc is a fragrant, tasteful and sophisticated drop for the white wine lover.
Serve chilled straight from the fridge, it’s the perfect accompaniment to a creamy goat’s cheese, soft brie, summer salads or even fresh seafood such as freshly shucked oysters.

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“A yawn is a silent scream for wine”

Let’s face it. Adulting is hard. So you do deserve a treat with a crisp dry wine —  this sauvignon blanc, preferably with friends and definitely when the in-laws are coming for dinner.  

It’s delish (which is a technical wine term that means ‘it tastes great’).

If you don’t keep a bottle in the fridge at all times, are you even an Aussie? You never know when friends may be legally permitted to drop into your house. And if the law prevents it, as it likes to do in recent years, then the more for you! 

If you keep a bottle permanently chilled, it’s ready to grab and go whenever you’re invited to a fabulous BBQ or dinner party. (Even if that BBQ or dinner party is you alone in your backyard, it’s still splendid, right?) 

Want to know what makes 6Ft6 the best sauv blanc going around?

The DMAC effect

Our winemaker, Dwayne (aka DMAC), is one helluva fusspot when it comes to quality, and it totally shows. We won’t get too technical, but Dwayne has a persnickety way of wanting things [just so]. And you know what? You can’t argue with results. Every business needs a stickler for quality like DMAC and we adore his attention to detail that makes our wines oh-so amazing. 

The fruit

Our sauv blanc is grown at our Moorabool Valley vineyard alongside premium grapes from the Yarra Valley. Our winemaker Dwayne Cunningham and owner Scott Austin are fanatical about sourcing only the best-of-the-best produce. The tropical flavours of this wine make for a perfect white wine spritzer! 

The terroir

(Terroir means soil, topography, and climate — fancy.) For farmers, the land is life, and we hit the jackpot with our vineyard in Geelong. We combine this impeccable fruit from the Strathbogie region to give us a great consistency of flavour. This means that you can be confident in the flavours to expect from us, year after year. 

The fun 

For us, wine is about enjoyment — sharing a glass or two to connect with your special humans, and spoil yourself. Whether you are relaxing after a long day or partying with friends, we have the wine to match. We’re not about being snooty, inaccessible or using confusing language. We’re just an everyday farming family, making great wine and enjoying a few laughs along the way. Cheers to that, hey? 

Vegan wine

Vegans, raise your glasses, because all of the 6Ft6 range is vegan, i.e. it’s c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y free of animal products. You’d think wine, being made from grapes, is always vegan — but not so. Learn more about it here, on this creatively titled article ‘Is all wine vegan friendly?’

The planet 

We want to care for this planet — it’s the only one with wine! Sustainability has been at the forefront of our business since we started in 1982. Working daily on the land, we see first-hand the effects of climate change, and it’s devastating. We continually make improvements to ensure our footprint is kept to a minimum by: 

  • replanting trees on our property—we have planted over 10,000 trees since 1990 
  • using 100% recyclable packaging, which means our cartons are a little bit fugly but a lot more sustainable 
  • investing heavily in irrigation systems and vineyard treatments such as straw and natural soils to reduce unnecessary water usage 

So, when you buy from us, you buy a wine that’s as good for the planet as possible. 

Tasting Notes

Fragrant, clean and subtle lemon oral aromas make this classic Victorian sauvignon blanc tasteful and sophisticated. Hints of lychee, gooseberry and passionfruit follow through from the nose onto a refined palate, aided by a restrained acidity and supple smooth and creamy texture.

The subtle acidity of lemon blossom and a glimpse of passionfruit on the nose lends itself to a delicious bucket of tiger prawns with a bowl of seafood sauce and a big green salad on a balmy afternoon on the back deck.  

A great option for any vegetable dish or a steamed fish covered in herbs, chilli and lemongrass. 

Pick of the bunch: Meredith Feta, D’Affinois

Vegan Pick: The Vegan Dairy: Ashed Chevre

Download the full Little Black Book of Cocktails

 The Best of Cafe Del Mar

Make a watermelon sangria

This is the perfect balance of sweet watermelon and an aromatic dry Sauvignon Blanc, a winning combo. 


  • Ice cubes
  • ½ seedless watermelon, peeled and cubed
  • Watermelon balls, for garnish
  • 6Ft6 Sauvignon Blanc
  • 3 parts vodka
  • 2 parts Cointreau or other triple sec
  • 2 parts citrus syrup
  • Mint leaves, to garnish


  • In a blender, puree the watermelon cubes. Pour through a fine strainer into a jug
  • Add 6Ft6 Sauvignon Blanc, vodka, Cointreau and citrus syrup
  • Stir and refrigerate for at least two hours
  • Add ice cubes to glassware
  • Stir again, then pour sangria into ice-filled glasses
  • Garnish with skewered watermelon balls and mint

Download the full Little Black Book of Cocktails

WINEMAKER: Dwayne Cunningham

REGION: Yarra Valley/Geelong, Victoria

VINEYARD: Austin’s Wines. Steiglitz Road, Sutherlands Creek

TECHNICAL NOTES: Alc./Vol.: 13.5%, 7.05g/L acid, pH 3.17